Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Can't live without my BlackBerry

Poyo jer statement kat atas tu kan? But it's a fact. I cannot live without my BlackBerry. I don't live in a big house or drive a fancy car. I don't carry a designer handbag or wear designer clothes. Ni jerlah satu2 nyer brg kesayangan (yg kira mahal) yg dibeli dgn duit sendiri sebelum berenti keje. Tu pun bln2 Mr.A yg byrkan bil. Tq sayang :)

Why BB? Why not iPhone? Actually mmg minat iPhone tp dah malas pakai hp yg touch screen but i don't mind kalau dpt iPhone as a 2nd phone ;) My 1st choice will still be BB. It's the best thing that i could ever have. Nak fb, e-mail, mms, ym, bbm.. sumer boleh lah. Especially sahm mcm i ni yg x sempat nak mengadap lappy 24 jam. Sambil tgk tv n lipat kain pun blh layan fb.

Tp sometimes payah jugak sbb kalau tgh masak or kemas rumah, biler dpt notification jer mesti nak amik BB n check. Kadang2 tu sambil buat kerja sempat lah jugak nak meng'comment' fb status or reply e-mail. Kalau tgh nak siapkan Leia lepas mandi pun mcm tu jugak. Sampai kalau dier nampak jer mummy dier pegang BB sure dier mengamuk. Hahaha.

Jgn citer pasal nak tido n bangun tido. Everytime nak tido, mata dah berat mcm mana pun mesti nak tgk status fb dulu. Kadang2 sampai tido pun pegang BB. Bgn tido pun sama. 1st thing before turun dr katil, check status fb. Pendek kata, x sah nak start the day kalau x check fb status dulu. Does that mean i'm addicted to fb? Sendiri mau ingat!

Masa bercuti kat Indo last raya, punyalah 'mati kutu' sbb xder BB service kat Jogja. Apparently, if u've signed up ur BB with ur local mobile service provider, kalau u pegi overseas n x roaming, u cannot simply pakai BB service kat tempat lain coz ur BB pin is registered with ur local mobile service provider. Kalau roaming of course lah blh pakai tp if u're a heavy internet user like me, be prepared to receive a 'fat' bill. X blh nak kata apa lg lah BB ni. Mmg berbaloi- baloi!


Mrs.Nury said...

no matter what we wear or how we live babes...itew semua tak penting.Yang penting kite happy with our life.Me ni hahhh lgla iphone ker bb ker..segala fon yg cangih pun xde hehehe...but sonok jugak kan bleh connect thru fb,ym xyah nk susah2 bukak lap.Like u said la berbaloi-baloi hehehe :)

Nini Damayanti said...

betul tu nury.. yg penting kite happy n x kacau org ;)