Yes! Leia is twenty months old today. Another four months she will be two years old!I remember conceiving Leia when Luq was about nineteen months. Mr A n i planned to hv at least 4 children n 2 years gap for each child but i don't think another baby will be on the way soon due to ur current financial situation. It is true that we can't deny the 'rezeki' from Allah the almighty but it's really not the time to have another baby.
Back to Leia, at twenty months, her biggest development is that she no longer need her pacifier. It's been almost two weeks of 'no pacifier' now n i would say that it wasn't so hard to 'wean' her of her pacifier. I just cut a bit of the tip of her pacifier n when she asked for it i gave it to her n realising there was something wrong with it, she herself didn't want it. The first nite without her pacifier, she was a bit restless n couldn't stop mumbling but after that she was ok n never asked for it ever since.
However, there is a drawback for not having her pacifier. She has become extra clingy n wouldn't let me out of her sight at all. I guess her pacifier has always been her 'best friend' n able to comfort her but when it's gone, she needs a substitute.
Nowadays, she is also extra stubborn, over demanding n will easily throw a tantrum if she does not get what she wants. I guess these are all signs of the 'terrible' TWO coming soon but whatever it is she's still my little princess.
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