Mr A n I have been wanting to bring Luq n Leia to the park since last week but it was raining in d evening last weekend. Since Mr A came back from work early last night, we decided to bring d kids to Lake Garden this morning. It was a beautiful morning n when we reached there around 8.30am, d sun was already 'smiling' so bright. It wasn't only d first time for Luq n Leia going to Lake Garden but it was my frist time too coz i couldn't remember when was d last time i went there. Luq was so excited to play at the dinosaur land but unfortunately most parts of the payground n d slides were a bit wet due to d heavy rain d night before. Nevertheless, he still had a fantastic time.
As for Leia, she too enjoyed herself. She even fell n cut her lips bcoz she was too stubborn to let me hold her hand. As a 'present', she got a swollen lip but a few minutes after her fall she was back to her usual antics. In the end, i juz put her on d swing. Luckily she enjoyed d swing until it was time to go home.
Can u see her swollen lip?
Poor baby
We left Lake Garden around 9.45am as it was getting really hot but myself n Mr A will make it a point to bring them again at least 2 weeks once.
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