It's been almost one week Leia has been having problem passing stool. Each time she did her 'no.2' she would cry bcoz her stools lately were dry n hard which makes it uncomfortable to pass. However, d last 2 days was d worst bcoz she was cranky since morning and although i could see dat she was trying as hard as she could to 'poopoo', 'it' juz won't come out. The same happened in d evening until finally she managed to 'poopoo' at night. It made me sad to see her crying n screaming in pain juz to 'poopoo'.
Later dat night, her body temperature rose to 39.1 degrees n i suspected it's due to her constipation. Since her temperature was too high, me n Mr A gave her d suppository n put a damp cloth on her head to bring down her temperature. Alhamdulillah, after about 30 minutes she started to sweat n her temperature went down.
The next morning (yesterday), we immediately brought her to Naluri where d paed gave her d enema n about 5 minutes later she 'pooped' at d paed's office. The paed told me dat i hv to change her diet to avoid her having constipation in future. Currently, i feed her chicken porridge with carrots n potatoes but according to d paed, rice n potatoes are not a good combination. I told him dat she did not have any bowel problems with her food before but d doctor explained dat as she grows, she tends to eat adult food as well and there must be balance in her diet. The paed suggested giving her food with more fiber such as vegetables n fruits n also giving her fruit juice.
Starting today, i will make sure dat she eats a banana/ papaya and also drink at least one small cup of prune juice. I also made her pasta soup with carrots n brocolli today. She did 'poopoo' dis morning but there were no screaming or crying n i am really relieved. However, she still had high fever last night and early dis morning but as i am typing dis entry, she is fast asleep in her playpen with no fever but i still have to monitor her temperature in case it rises.
These photos were taken yesterday afternoon after she woke up from her sleep. Eventhough she had high fever earlier, i was really glad to see her sweating coz i know it brings down her temperature.