Time is flying really fast nowadays and Leia is twenty two months today. Last monday we brought her to see the paed bcoz she was having high fever + flu + cough all in one. Since she seldom falls sick, the doctor's office seemed to be very strange to her and she does not like it at all. As soon as we entered the doctor's room, she started crying. Me and Mr A couldn't concentrate much on what the doctor was explaining but Leia was put on the nebulizer for the first time. The medicine wasn't ventolin though as the doctor said her lungs were clear and there were no wheezing sound. He said something about putting Leia on nebulizer to clear her throat bcoz her cough did sound awful (mcm batuk kokol).
As i mentioned earlier, she cried when we saw the doctor. So you can imagine how harder she cried and screamed when she took the nebulizer. I couldn't even snap a picture of her with the mask bcoz i had to calm her down while Mr A held her. The most touching part was that Luq cried too watching Leia going through the ordeal.
After 3 days, Leia is now recovering. She is still coughing but no more high fever and flu. Alhamdulillah. This is also the first time that she's been put on antibiotics. I guess it is ok to be sick once in a while bcoz it also helps build your antibody and immune system.
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info tentang batuk kokol di SIHAT SELALU - Batuk Kokol
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